Mar 25, 2020· To bake an apple pie from scratch, first make the dough by mixing flour, salt, butter, and water in a large bowl and kneading the mixture. Then, roll half the dough out into a 2-inch thick circle and line the bottom of a pie pan with it, placing the pan in the fridge when you're done.
May 20, 2020· To make an apple pie, first prepare the dough by mixing flour, sugar, salt, butter, and water and dividing it into 2 equal portions. Then, make the apple filling by combining brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and ground cloves in a bag and shaking apple slices in the mixture. ... العربية: صنع فطيرة ...
Feb 15, 2011· العجينه بسيطه مرررره اللي هي.. 2 كاسه دقيق ..فنجان زيت ..ملعقه اكل بيكنج بودر ..ملعقه اكل خميره فوريه..3 ملاعق حليب بودره ..ملعقه سكر ..رشه ملح ..مويه للعجن تعجن كل المقادير مع بعضها بدون ترتيب مع ملاحظه تكون العجينه متماسكه ...
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