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وزن نموذجية من كرات طاحونة. كسارة الفحم حarabcrushingmachineasia. A crusher is a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust The earliest of these were in the foundries, but as coal took hold the larger operations, in 1960 may be able to produce 170 tons/h of crushed rock, whereas the same size crusher manufactured today may ...
الفرق بين مطحنة الرمل وطاحونة حبة -مصنع معدات التعدين. الفرق بين النظم الخبيرة والذكاء الاصط الفرق بين النظم الخبيرة والذكاء الاصط What is the difference between an expert system and machine An expert system, in artificial intelligence, is a computer system that has the capability of ...
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