The mother of Habiba Al-Talbani The story of the hand of the sink sticks to the dead, a false story that is incorrect. This story, despite its wide popularity, is lame, and is put and has no reach for the people of science This story has been famous and spread over the year of retribution, fiancés and preachers, which helped to spread it widely among people because of one of the famous ...
A woman of Medina women died, so he brought her to the sink to wash her and when he put the body to wash, the sink came to pour water on the body of the dead, so I reminded her of bad and said that she often adultery this body, so the sink hand stuck to the dead body so that it became no She was able to move her hand, so she closed the door so that no one would see her like this, and the dead ...
May 20, 2017· مستر بن, مستر بن جديد, مستر بن حقيقي, مستر بن طبيب الاسنان, مستر بن عربي, مستر بن في المسبح, مستر بن في المستشفى, مستر بن كرتون, مستر بن كرتون بالعربي كامل, مستر بن وسخ, مستر بن يتكلم, مستر بن يتكلم عربي, مستر بن يرقص, مستر بن ...
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